Monday, April 27, 2009

Busy Life

I just realized that I've written absolutely nothing for far too long. Fishing season is almost upon us. As a typical marine mechanic, I am too busy working on everyone else's boat to do anything except look at my own. I have been busy in past weeks and months getting my house ready to sell because the woman I've been seeing for 9 1/2 years is going to be my wife soon. She also has a house she will be selling (fortunately hers doesn't need any work done) and we will need to find a new house to live in. This property has to have a shop on it or enough room for me to build a shop so I can start to build a marine business for myself. I still have full intentions of publishing before and after pictures of an old camp boat I bought and restored. You won't believe it's the same boat! Once everything is more settled in my personal life, I will work on updating the blog and writing articles on a more regular basis.